Puppy Application

Date of application


Address (city, state, zip)



Number of people in your household

Ages of children if any

Why have you chosen to get an Afghan Hound?

How much information do you have about Afghans?

When would you like to get a puppy?

Is everyone in your home in agreement with getting a puppy?

Are you prepared to care for a dog for a period of 12 to 14 years or possibly longer?

Do you own or rent your home?

If renting does your lease include having a dog?

List all pets currently in your household

List all pets that you have had and explain what has happened to each of them

Do you have a fully fenced back yard with fencing at least 6 feet tall?

If no fence how will you protect and exercise the dog?

How long have you been considering a new puppy or dog?

Where will the puppy live, outside, inside, or both?

If your answer was both, please explain

Would you agree to spay/neuter your pet puppy?

Who will be the primary caretaker of the puppy?

How many hours of the day will the puppy be alone?

When you aren't home where will the puppy be kept?

For what purpose/s do you want a puppy? (conformation, companion, performance)

How do you feel about crate training?

Are you agreeable to a home check visit?

If approved for purchasing a puppy from Rafa, we will microchip your puppy before delivery, are you agreeable to the microchip fee?

Do you understand that deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE, as long as we can provide you with a healthy puppy suitable to your purpose?

(show, companion)

Additional questions or comments

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