About Us

 Our human family consists of husband David; career Air Force, myself (Elise); wife and mother to ten children, and of course the ten children. Three of our children are by birth and seven (with severe special needs) are adopted . We have fostered and adopted for many, many years, and been blessed with so many precious children in our home and lives. Three of our children still live at home. They are all autistic, and keep us running at full speed! My husband and I are also the proud grandparents of 11 grandchildren, so our large home in San Angelo,Texas is full of activity, love, and sometimes chaos!

Our dogs are all 'house' dogs and part of the family. The puppies are all whelped in our bedroom and continue to stay in the house throughout their lives, intermingling with the autistic children and our grandchildren. Learning about 'little' feet and the quick and sometimes clumsy movements of children and autistic bodies. Hands that are loving, but not like 'adult' hands. Feet that are careful, but not like 'adult' feet.
Voices that sometimes don't speak recognizable words, and sometimes may be loud, but are voices all the dogs recognize as people they love and who love them.

Our hounds have wonderful temperaments, surpassed by none.

We want our dogs to bring joy and happiness as beloved companions first and foremost. That's what they are to us, our beloved companions and members of the family. For this reason we strive for healthy, robust dogs. Health problems bring heartache and perhaps an early loss of the special bond we feel for our dogs. We want our dogs with us for as long as possible.

Occasional selective breedings will reflect the beauty, temperament and health that we cherish in our own dogs to be shared with others who are interested in a puppy.

-- Elise & David

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